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HCD News Release

Market Research Consortium Uses Neuroscience to Gauge Voter Response to Presidential Debates

NeuroPolitical study will show how different voters respond to candidates during the debate

As President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden prepare to face off on stage for the first time this Tuesday, a consortium of market research companies aim to use neuroscience measurement to gauge voter response to the series of debates, starting with the September 29th Presidential Debate.

Applied neuroscience, also known as neuromarketing, allows marketers to identify non-conscious response to communications. Biometric practitioners and neuropolitical experts suggest neuro-measures can tap into reactions that voters are often unwilling or unable to express.

Neuroscience Analysis of Debate Activities

Trump, Biden, and Undecided voters will be attending a focus group facility in Iselin, NJ to watch the first 2020 Presidential Debate while being neuro-physiological measured via biometric sensors for psychophysiological response to the statements, demeanor, and stage movements of the candidates. Neurophysiological data for each of the 3 voter segments will be viewable in real time. As voters watch, sensors will pick up electrical impulses that reveal, second by second, psychophysiological responses.

Data will be analyzed by Dr. Michelle Niedziela, a behavioral neuroscientist and VP of Research and Innovation at HCD, to identify salient moments and voter reactions of the 3 voter groups. Media outlets will be invited to attend the research venue or can monitor some results in real time. Further interpretation and analysis of the voter response will be communicated shortly after each debate is completed.

Members of this consortium, HCD Research, Shimmer Inc., IVP Research Labs, and The Schlesinger Group, have been involved in applied neuroscience for over 15 years. The study will be hosted by The Schlesinger Group, Iselin, NJ. Technology company IVP Research Labs will manage the data collection. Shimmer Inc, a designer and manufacturer of medical and neuroscience research products, will provide the biometric research equipment. HCD Research, Inc. will interpret and report results.

For more information contact Glenn Kessler, President, HCD Research at 908-902-9393 (



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